A person or animal not possessing sufficient resistance against a particular pathogenic agent to prevent contracting infection or disease when exposed to the agent.
Letter: s
Individual who has difficulty combating microorganisms and is at risk for developing an infection.
The sweat glands are small tubular structures situated within and under the skin. They discharge sweat by tiny openings in the surface of the skin. Sweat is sterile before it touches the bacteria on the skin.
Comparable in shape, size, and relative position of parts on opposite sides.
Of or relating to the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system; mediated by or acting on the sympathetic nerves.
Functionally opposes the parasympathetic division of the ANS; alters organ function to meet a stress situation encountered during fight or flight conditions (e.g., elevated heart rate).
The two chains of sympathetic ganglia extending along the ventrolateral surfaces of the vertebral column from the upper cervical region to the coccyx. Each trunk consists of a series of sympathetic ganglia connected by a nerve cord. These nerve cords are composed largely of nerve fibers associated with the cell bodies within the ganglia. The right and left sympathetic trunks join, at the ventral surface of the coccyx, to form a single ganglion known as the ganglion impar or ganglion of Walther. SEE ganglion impar, ganglion of Walther.
The functional membrane-to-membrane contact of a nerve cell with another nerve cell, an effector (muscle, gland) cell, or a sensory organ cell.
(SIMV) A mode of mechanical ventilation that delivers mandatory machine breaths as well as spontaneous breaths. The mechanical breaths are delivered in synchrony with the patients spontaneous breathing pattern. The mechanical breath can be time or patient triggered, time or volume cycled and volume or pressure limited.
Latex (defined as a colloidal suspension in a water based liquid) containing no rubber-tree sap, and therefore none of the proteins that cause allergic reactions.